Item Number: P-07
Height: 10½”
Production Dates: 1933-1943
I have included the Tid Bit in the Plates, Platters & Trays category as well, simply because the set is made with plates. The plates that were used were the 9″ and 10½” Sandwich Plates.
Fostoria Glass drilled a hole into the plates to accommodate the metal handle. The handle is a classic shape, which looks very much like a question mark. It is the same-shaped handle that is used in the Handled Cake Tray. It is possible to find homemade sets, where the homeowner drilled the plates. Many times; however, they would use other plates – such as Dinner Plates, and not the Sandwich Plates that were used in the original Tid Bit Set.
It is easy to distinguish an American Tid Bit from a homemade version. Look at the handle. It should look like this classic metal one, with a chrome finish. Many times the homemade and/or handcrafted ones from online retailers will use a different shaped handle.
Look at the plates. Are they regular plates, or Sandwich Plates? What are their sizes? Remember, the Fostoria Tid Bit Set used two different-sized plates.
Some homemade versions look rather nice; however, if you are wanting to be sure you are buying a genuine Tid Bit that was produced by Fostoria Glass, look for the tell-tale signs I mentioned above. I will also add that the Fostoria Glass Company did use other types of handles for other patterns; however, for the American 2056 line, the classic question mark handle is the only one they used.
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