Fostoria | American | Oval Comb and Brush Tray

Oval Comb/Brush ~ Condiment ~ Oval Tray

Trays & Platters

Item Number:  T-04
Length:  10½″
Production Dates:  1915-1943

The Oval Comb and Brush Tray was originally featured in the 1915 catalog supplement, debuting the American line.  It was described as being 10″ in length, and 5″ in width.  In the same catalog, it is also listed as one of the pieces in the Condiment Set.  The Condiment Set included two Oils, two Shakers and a Condiment Tray (AKA Oval Comb and Brush Tray).

This particular piece was produced from 1915 to 1943, and throughout those years, it had different names and/or descriptions attached to it.  In the tray’s last years of production, its final name was simply the 10½″ Oval Tray.

Fostoria | American | Oval Comb and Brush Tray TrioIn addition to clear crystal, the Oval Comb and Brush Trays were also produced in limited colors.  Pictured here are the Orchid, clear Crystal, and Green trays.  The colored versions were produced in the mid-1920s.  Of the two colors, Orchid was produced last and is more scarce.  All colors; however, are considered rare.  The colored trays are often seen paired with a cream and sugar set.

The approximate length of the tray is between 10 – 10½ inches.  Per Fostoria records, the measurement was first recorded as 10″ in length in 1915; however, by the year it was last produced in 1943, Fostoria listed it as 10½″ in length.  When measuring the trays from my own personal collection, all of them were closer to 10½″ in length.  All trays have a clear glass rim, which is about ½″ tall when measured from the inside of the tray.

As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay.  The following link shows available Trays on eBay.  Since this tray is known by different names, you will probably have to fine-tune your search to either a “handled tray”, “comb and brush tray”, “condiment tray”, or “oval tray”.

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Storage Boxes

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You can find more information on a variety of boxes in the following paid link.  Full Disclosure:  I am an Amazon Associate; thus, I earn from qualifying purchases.  Available Storage Boxes on Amazon.