Fostoria | American | Handled Utility Tray

Handled Utility Tray

Trays & Platters

Item Number:  732
Diameter:  9″
Production Dates:  1948-1982

Fostoria | American | Handled Utility TrayOne of the more unique trays in the American pattern is the Handled Utility Tray.  While it looks similar to the Handled Muffin Tray, there is one defining difference.  The Utility Tray has sides that curve upward, while the Muffin Tray has sides that flare outward.  They both came from the same mould; however, they were designed and crafted differently.

The Handled Utility Tray was introduced in the 1940’s and it remained in production until 1982.  It was later produced in Ruby, by Dalzell Viking Glass, under the Fostoria American label.  From handle to handle, it is approximately 9″ in diameter.  The edges of the tray curve upwards, and are about 2½” high.  I have noticed slight size fluctuations regarding this tray, so one can expect that some items will have higher (or lower) side measurements.

As a noun, the word “utility” means the state of being useful, profitable, or beneficial.  That being said, the Handled Utility Tray’s greatest advantage is that it can be used for multiple applications.  While serving food is one of the most common uses of the tray, it can also be utilized for displaying flowers to holding potpourri.  The possibilities are endless!

As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay.  The following link shows available Handled Utility Trays on eBay.

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