Fostoria American Deep Nappy - 8"

Deep Nappy – 8″


Item Number:  522
Diameter:  8″
Production Dates:  1915-1959

The 8″ Deep Nappy is another pioneering piece in the 2056 line.  Debuting in 1915, it was in production for approximately forty-four years.  When compared to other flared or regular-sized American nappies, they were more expensive to buy.  The 8″ Deep Nappy cost $2.00 in 1915, which is worth over $60 today!  When looking for deep nappies in today’s market, know that they are worthy of a few extra dollars.

One thing worth pointing out is that the original and older nappies have a ground bottom.  In other words, they were not footed.  Newer pieces were footed, and may be slightly taller than the 4¾” height.  (The footed 8″ Deep Nappy is shown in this post.)  Sizes are always approximate, and both of mine (footed and unfooted) are about the same size – with only a ⅛” height difference between them.

As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay.  The following link shows available Deep Nappies on eBay.

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