Fostoria | American | Cream Soup Plate

Cream Soup Plate ~ Mayonnaise Plate

Plates, Saucers, Tortes, & Tid Bits

Item Number:  479
Diameter:  7″
Production Dates:  1938-1958 Cream Soup Plate; 1934-1973 Mayonnaise Plate

Fostoria | American | Cream Soup and UnderplateThe plates that were used as underplates for the Mayonnaise and the Cream Soups are actually the same plate.  The plates are described as being 7″ in size; however, my own personal pieces are closer to 7½″ in size.  Please remember that these pieces were finished by hand, and slight variations in size are to be expected.

While this piece was known by two different names, the item number that was assigned by Fostoria was the same (479).  Two variations of these plates were made.  In order to keep the dishes from sliding around on the plates, one version of the plate has a raised retainer ring in the center.  The second variation does not have a raised retainer ring; rather, it has a slight depression in the center of the plate.

The plates were eventually discontinued in the 1970s.  The Mayonnaise Plate definitely adds a finishing touch when paired with the flat-bottom Mayonnaise – and when topped with a glass ladle, they make for a beautiful (and very functional) serving piece.

When the Cream Soup and the Cream Soup Plate are paired together, they also make for a beautiful duo.  The Cream Soup dish is quite lovely, boasting gently curved handles on both sides of its flared shape.  For a view of the item that sits on top of the Cream Soup Plate, please refer to the Cream Soup.

As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay.  The following link shows available Cream Soup/Mayonnaise Plates on eBay.

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