Item Number:  UR-01
Approximate Size:  4¼” L – 3¼” W – 2¼” H
Production Dates:  1918-1925

Out of the entire American 2056 line, the Chiffonier remains one of the most expensive items to buy.  Prices have come down in recent years; however, do your own research to determine a value.  Online auction sites don’t usually have this item for sale, and since Chiffoniers are extremely difficult to find, sellers can usually ask whatever they feel the market will bear.

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Every week I pin various Fostoria American photos on my Pinterest account.  If you want to be kept abreast of new information and/or photos that are posted on this website, please consider following my Pinterest account.  The focus of the Pinterest social media platform is to share photos and content with fellow Fostoria American 2056 collectors.  I hope to see you there soon!