by Julie Noyas | Sep 15, 2021 | Shakers & Salt Servers
Item Number: SUS-01
Dimensions: 4¾” H
Production Dates: 1915-1925
The height of the item is approximately 4¾”, with the top on. The inside diameter of the neck usually runs between 1⅛”-1¼”, with a 1¾” outside diameter. While it might not be obvious at first, the glass neck with have a small bevel of ground glass – located on the inside edge of the neck. The bottom of the glass container often shows a pontil mark or scar, commonly seen in older glass.
This item has a heavy metal top (H.N.T.), which makes it very easy to distinguish from the newer Cheese/Sugar Shaker. The top will have thirty-one (31) holes, in the shape of the Star of David. The Sugar Shakers can also be found in a variety of E.P.N.S. lids and collars. During the early years of production, these shakers were sent to metal working companies that mounted them with silver and nickel tops. Only the regular Sugar Shakers (H.N.T.) were featured in the Fostoria American catalogs.
As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay. The following link shows available Cheese/Sugar Shakers on eBay.
by Julie Noyas | Sep 14, 2021 | Shakers & Salt Servers
Item Number: 661
Dimensions: 4½” H
Production Dates: 1978-1982
The Cheese/Sugar Shaker did not have a long life, so the details pertaining to this item are pretty straight-forward. It came to life from popular demand. There was an earlier Sugar Shaker that was produced when the American pattern debuted in 1915; however, it had a heavy metal top and was only produced for about ten years. The American pattern pressed on for another fifty years without a similar shaker, so the Cheese/Sugar Shaker was a welcome addition when it was offered in 1978.
Fostoria Glass described this item as the “Cheese/Sugar Shaker”. The glass piece, whether you use it as a Cheese Shaker or a Sugar Shaker, is the same identical item. Fostoria designated only one item number to this piece – not two. They did; however, offer two different chrome tops that could go with it – a cheese top and a sugar top. The sugar top has fifteen (15) round holes; the cheese top has eleven (11) larger round holes.
I have found many discrepancies among authors and publications regarding production dates, item numbers, and even its size. I have measured my own personal items and the height of the piece is approximately 4½”, with the top on. The bottom diameter of the glass is about 3″, with an approximate interior neck opening of 1½-inches. The Cheese/Sugar Shakers will not have a ground neck.
As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay. The following link shows available Cheese/Sugar Shakers on eBay.
by Julie Noyas | Apr 23, 2020 | Shakers & Salt Servers
Item Number: SS-04
Height: 3”
Production Dates: 1915 – late 1920’s
These shakers were introduced in 1915. After thorough research through Fostoria records, it was determined that they were produced for at least thirteen years. While book authors have not published production dates for this item, I am pleased to state that they were produced from 1915 until the late 1920s. They were no longer being offered in the early to mid-1930s.
The glass tops are approximately 1½” in diameter. The lids are more flush with the sides of the shaker as opposed to the metal H.N.T. shakers. Each top has 16 holes. One lid has smaller holes, while the other has larger holes. I could find no documentation in Fostoria records that designated which top was for salt, and which one was for pepper. There seems to be much debate in modern times when it comes to the “Salt and Pepper Rule”. I will leave that final determination up to you.
As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay. The following link shows available Salt and Pepper Shakers on eBay.
The chance of Salt Shakers No. 1 – F.G.T. showing up on eBay are rare, though it is possible. I encourage you to keep looking, for they are word the time spent hunting.
by Julie Noyas | Apr 1, 2020 | Shakers & Salt Servers
From the collection of Dennis and Pat Early
Photo Credit: Dennis and Pat Early
This is a unique shaker, and worthy of sharing. Underneath the overlay is a Fostoria American Shaker, with a “W” Top. This particular style of shaker is not common. One rarely sees them online, or even at estate auctions and antique stores. Since they are over 100 years old, and rather difficult to find … imagine your excitement if you were to stumble across one with a beautiful silver overlay. Well, that is exactly what happened to Dennis and Pat Early.
The silver overlay treatment is mainly applied to the edges of the cubes, and this application really highlights the design of the American pattern. As with most vintage shakers with decades of use, the tops would often become iodized and their finish worn down to their bare metal. Since the metal bands on these shakers were pristine and full of shine, I inquired about their finish.
“When we obtained these tops, the original plating was almost completely gone. We had them replated with nickel.”
– Dennis and Pat Early
The Early’s have a large Fostoria American collection; however, they only have one of these shakers. They purchased it on eBay years ago, and it was sold singularly – not as a set. This silver overlay design was not produced at Fostoria Glass for the American pattern; therefore, it is important to note that this treatment was done by a third-party. By whom, remains a mystery. We also don’t know if multiples were produced, or if this is a “one-of-a-kind” piece. Personally, I like a little mystery in my collecting – which makes this piece very intriguing.

Photo Credit: Dennis and Pat Early
In this photo, the silver overlay shaker is on the left; a regular Shaker (“W” Top) is on the right. Both shakers; however, have had their metal bands replated with nickel. These pieces are a fine example of how you can bring a vintage treasure back to its original luster. If your vintage tops are in good condition, with the exception of a worn finish, getting them replated might be all that is needed for them to shine like the day they were born.
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Dennis and Pat Early for sharing a piece from their American collection. If you would like to learn more about this particular style shaker, please refer to this post for size, pictures and details. As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay. The following link shows available Salt and Pepper Shakers on eBay.
by Julie Noyas | Sep 28, 2016 | Shakers & Salt Servers
Item Number: SS-10
Height: 1½”
Production Dates: 1925
The Fostoria American Table Salt is a rare item, indeed. It was only produced circa 1925; therefore, the quantity thereof is extremely limited. If you find one, expect to pay a higher price for it. That price, obviously, will vary with the current market and trends.
The Table Salt is approximately 1½” high, with a 2⅜” diameter. It is the largest open salt receptacle made in the American pattern. According to custom, the Table Salt would typically be placed on the table. The host would then retrieve the salt from the Table Salt and serve it into the smaller Individual Salt dishes. As their names imply, the Table Salt was for the entire table, while the Individual Salts were for each individual guest sitting at the table.
As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay. The following link shows available Salt dishes on eBay.
While the Individual Salts are much easier to find – and relatively inexpensive to purchase, the Table Salt is a different kind of treasure. There are still some out there; however, they are much more difficult to find.
by Julie Noyas | Sep 22, 2016 | Shakers & Salt Servers
Item Number: 632
Height: 1”
Production Dates: 1924-1982
The Fostoria American Individual Salt dish is a sweet little piece. After retrieving the seasoning from a master salt dish (a much larger receptacle), the dinner host would typically fill these Individual Salt dishes and place them at each place setting. These small glass vessels are sometimes referred to as a salt dip, open salt or salt dish.
The Individual Salts are the smallest salt servers in the Fostoria American pattern. A larger Table Salt was made around 1925, and it is an extremely rare piece to find. According to custom, these larger Table Salt receptacles would sit on the table – and from there the salt would be retrieved into the smaller Individual Salt dishes (which are only about 1″ high).
As a convenience, there are little salt spoons that one can buy to use with the Individual Salts, and it proves to be a tidy and elegant way to serve the seasoning. Salt spoons; however, were not produced by Fostoria Glass for the American pattern. Any small and/or vintage salt spoon should work nicely.
As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay. The following link shows available Individual Salt dishes on eBay.