by Julie Noyas | Jul 16, 2021 | Candlesticks
Item Number: 26-461
Approximate Size: 4⅜” H
Production Dates: 1939-1943; 1953-1970
The production dates I have given are for when this item was used in the American 2056 pattern. It does not include the dates it was used with other Fostoria glass patterns.
The complete American Candle Lamp consisted of four individual glass pieces, or three … depending on when it was produced. The Candle Lamp Chimneys (along with the Candle Lamp Bases) were always official parts of both versions. While this item was used and featured in the American 2056 line, its history goes way back to the early 1900’s when it was also used with other Fostoria candle lamps.
As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay. The following link shows available Candle Lamp Chimneys on eBay.
by Julie Noyas | Jul 16, 2021 | Candlesticks
Item Number: 26-460
Approximate Size: 3¾” Top Opening – 2¼” H
Production Dates: 1939-1943; 1953-1970
The complete American Candle Lamp consisted of four individual glass pieces, or three … depending on when it was produced. This Candle Lamp Base; however, was always an official part of both versions. While this item was used and featured in the American 2056 line, its history goes way back to the early 1900’s when it was also used with other Fostoria candle lamps.
As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay. The following link shows available Candle Lamp Bases on eBay.
by Julie Noyas | Oct 10, 2019 | Candlesticks
Item Number: 314. AL
Height: 2⅞”
Estimated Production Dates: Late 1990s to early 2000s
With no accurate records to validate exact production dates for items produced by L. E. Smith Glass Company, I can only give an approximation as to when these items were produced. My best estimate would be from the late 1990s through the early 2000s. These items were being sold, under the Fostoria American label, in the Wheeling Fostoria Outlet Store during that time.
Fostoria Glass primarily produced this candlestick in clear crystal. Dalzell Viking Glass also made it in a few different colors – such as pink and green. The L. E. Smith Glass Co. produced these pieces in cobalt blue and amber. I will state; however, that the quality of glass and craftsmanship on the L. E. Smith pieces that I own do not compare to those made by Fostoria Glass.
My personal opinion on these candlesticks is this … the ones actually produced at the Fostoria glass factory have the greatest clarity and craftsmanship of them all. They; however, are also the most plentiful.
The colored candlesticks, whether produced by L. E. Smith or Dalzell Viking, are more difficult to find. They had a much shorter production life. They do; however, offer a way to introduce different shades and colors into your tablescape, which is always a nice option for the hostess.
As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay. The following link shows available Candlesticks on eBay.
by Julie Noyas | Sep 18, 2019 | Candlesticks
Item Number: 310
Height: 8½”
Production Dates: 1953-1970
The Candle Lamp, when complete, is another wonderful treasure to behold. Quite often one can easily find the 3″ Candlestick, but finding the other candle parts is a bit more challenging. The American 3″ Candlestick was sold separately (and quite popular as such); however, it was also a very important element of the Candle Lamp. Depending on the production period, other individual pieces were also vital in assembling a complete and authentic American Candle Lamp.
I happily discovered an interesting tidbit of information when I did research for this piece. During its first production phase of 1939, the complete Candle Lamp included two extra pieces that were not included when it was reintroduced in 1953. Those two pieces were a Candle Lamp Pot and a Wax Light. A little piece of wax would be placed in a lamp pot, and then that same pot would be placed in the lamp base dish. The Candle Lamp Pots were eventually eliminated (along with the Wax Lights) and were not part of the reintroduced complete Candle Lamp of 1953.

On the second production run, the complete Candle Lamp consisted of just three individual items (shown above). Those items were the 3″ Candlestick, the Candle Lamp Base, and the Candle Lamp Chimney. The American Candle Lamp Bases had pegs so that they could be inserted and seated within the candle chamber of the 3″ Candlestick. Since Fostoria Glass was no longer including Lamp Pots or Wax Lights at this time, the idea for lighting was to simply put a votive or warming candle in the Candle Lamp Base. That was the way it remained until the piece was discontinued.
Interestingly, the Lamp Bases and Chimneys were also used with other lines of Fostoria – such as the Colony, Flame, and Spool patterns. If you can’t find the proper pieces while searching for the American pattern, I would recommend doing a search for the other mentioned glass patterns as well.
As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay. The following link shows available Candle Lamps on eBay.
You might have to refine the search criteria, as individual parts of the complete Candle Lamp are much more difficult to find than just the solo 3″ Candlestick.
by Julie Noyas | Sep 11, 2019 | Candlesticks
Item Number: 459
Height: 12”
Production Dates: 1939-1943 and 1953-1958
The Hurricane Lamp, in its complete and original form, is truly a special find. The complete Hurricane Lamp consists of two pieces – the Base, and the Chimney. While one could certainly use the base without the chimney, it is not considered complete without the two original pieces. The base is rather substantial; however, the chimney is fragile.
The Hurricane Lamp is one of those items in the American line that was made for a short period of time, then taken out of production. It came back to life in 1953, and had a production run for another six years. During that time a consumer had three options – buy a complete Hurricane Lamp, buy just the Hurricane Lamp Base, or only purchase the Hurricane Lamp Chimney. Therefore, it is entirely possible to find the American Hurricane Base being used with a different chimney, and vice-versa. Since the items were sold separately, people could use and display them as they wished.
When buying these pieces; however, you should be aware of how a “Fostoria American Hurricane Lamp” is often listed on eBay and other online auction sites. Many times a seller will list their item as a Fostoria American Hurricane Lamp and Chimney, when it is not. In most instances, they only have the Hurricane Lamp Base – not the Hurricane Chimney (which is harder to find). Before making a purchase, I recommend reviewing the pictures and descriptions of the two separate items (Base and Chimney) to guarantee that you are purchasing an original Fostoria American Hurricane Lamp.
As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay. The following link shows available Hurricane Lamps on eBay.
by Julie Noyas | Sep 5, 2019 | Candlesticks
Item Number: 461
Height: 9½”
Production Dates: 1939-1943 and 1953-1958
The complete Hurricane Lamp consists of two pieces – the Lamp Base, and the Lamp Chimney. While one could certainly use the base without the chimney, it is not considered complete without the two pieces. The base is rather substantial; however, the Hurricane Lamp Chimney is fragile.
During the years that Fostoria Glass produced the Hurricane Lamp, a consumer had three purchasing options. They could either buy a complete Hurricane Lamp (which was two pieces), buy only the Hurricane Base, or make a solo purchase of just the Hurricane Chimney. Therefore, it is entirely possible to find the American Hurricane Lamp Chimney being used with a different base, and vice-versa.
The Hurricane Lamp Chimneys are delicate, to say the least. The top ruffled edge has eight depressions in its design, and is almost 3½” in diameter. These pieces are hand blown glass, so measurements can vary slightly.
If you are wanting to purchase a replacement chimney for your lamp (which is not Fostoria American), you would need to find one with a similar base size – which is approximately 2⅞ inches. I am referring to the base (bottom) of the chimney itself, not the measurement of the Hurricane Lamp Base.
The bottom of most chimneys are ground, so they are rough to the touch. Take extra care when handling. Many chimneys will have minor chipping to the bottom edge – which is quite common. Finding one with minimal chipping is definitely a great find.
As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay. If you are interested in learning more about current availability and pricing for any of the parts associated with the Hurricane Lamp, the following link shows available Hurricane Lamp Chimneys on eBay.