Fostoria | American | Candle Lamp Complete

Complete Candle Lamp


Item Number:  310
Height:  8½”
Production Dates:  1953-1970

The Candle Lamp, when complete, is another wonderful treasure to behold.  Quite often one can easily find the 3″ Candlestick, but finding the other candle parts is a bit more challenging.  The American 3″ Candlestick was sold separately (and quite popular as such); however, it was also a very important element of the Candle Lamp.  Depending on the production period, other individual pieces were also vital in assembling a complete and authentic American Candle Lamp.

I happily discovered an interesting tidbit of information when I did research for this piece.  During its first production phase of 1939, the complete Candle Lamp included two extra pieces that were not included when it was reintroduced in 1953.  Those two pieces were a Candle Lamp Pot and a Wax Light.  A little piece of wax would be placed in a lamp pot, and then that same pot would be placed in the lamp base dish.  The Candle Lamp Pots were eventually eliminated (along with the Wax Lights) and were not part of the reintroduced complete Candle Lamp of 1953.

Fostoria | American | Candle Lamp Parts

On the second production run, the complete Candle Lamp consisted of just three individual items (shown above).  Those items were the 3″ Candlestick, the Candle Lamp Base, and the Candle Lamp Chimney.  The American Candle Lamp Bases had pegs so that they could be inserted and seated within the candle chamber of the 3″ Candlestick.  Since Fostoria Glass was no longer including Lamp Pots or Wax Lights at this time, the idea for lighting was to simply put a votive or warming candle in the Candle Lamp Base.  That was the way it remained until the piece was discontinued.

Interestingly, the Lamp Bases and Chimneys were also used with other lines of Fostoria – such as the Colony, Flame, and Spool patterns.  If you can’t find the proper pieces while searching for the American pattern, I would recommend doing a search for the other mentioned glass patterns as well.

As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay.  The following link shows available Candle Lamps on eBay.  You might have to refine the search criteria, as individual parts of the complete Candle Lamp are much more difficult to find than just the solo 3″ Candlestick.

Protecting your American Glassware

Storage Boxes

To help prevent damage to our beloved American items, and to allow for easy identification, I like to use storage boxes.  A variety of boxes are available, and some of them have windows which will allow you to quickly see the contents of the box.  I also like identify each box with the item’s identification number.  I no longer have to worry about the safety of my glassware.  They are easy to access, and the attractive boxes keep my pantry very organized!  ♥

You can find more information on a variety of boxes in the following paid link.  Full Disclosure:  I am an Amazon Associate; thus, I earn from qualifying purchases.  Available Storage Boxes on Amazon.