Fostoria American Banana Split

Banana Split

Other Serving Dishes

Item Number:  M-06
Approximate Size:  9″ L – 3½” W
Production Dates:  1915-1925

Fostoria | American | Banana SplitThe Fostoria American Banana Split is a rare dish, indeed.  It was one of the very first pieces introduced in the American line and can be found in their 1915 Catalog Supplement. Fostoria only produced this piece for about a decade, so you won’t find many of them on the open market.  When the Banana Split was first produced, you could purchase one for only .65 cents!

Unlike the majority of pieces in the American pattern, the Banana Split does not have any mould seams.  The approximate length of the piece is 9″ and the width is about 3½”.  The bottom of the Banana Split is not a flat piece of glass, so the cubes rest upon whatever surface it is placed.  The cubes are more rounded in this area, and bottom wear is expected if used over the years.

The inside bowl, and the handle, are key points to check upon if thinking of purchasing.  When previewing this item in person, I seem to find more nicks to the Banana Split’s handle and top rim than to any other area.

As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay.  The following link shows available Banana Splits on eBay.

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