Baby Bowl

Item Number:  150
Approximate Size:  3⅞” D – 1⅞” H
Production Dates:  1980-1982

While the Baby Bowls were available to be purchased as a single item, they were also included in the 3 Pc. Youth Gift Set (737).  The set included Plate (544), Mug (708), and the Baby Bowl (150).  These pieces were specifically designed for toddlers and/or the youth population.

As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay.  The following link shows available Baby Bowls on eBay.

Deep Nappy – 8″

Item Number:  522
Diameter:  8″
Production Dates:  1915-1959

The 8″ Deep Nappy is another pioneering piece in the 2056 line.  Debuting in 1915, it was in production for approximately forty-four years.  When compared to other flared or regular-sized American nappies, they were more expensive to buy.  The 8″ Deep Nappy cost $2.00 in 1915, which is worth over $60 today!  When looking for deep nappies in today’s market, know that they are worthy of a few extra dollars.

One thing worth pointing out is that the original and older nappies have a ground bottom.  In other words, they were not footed.  Newer pieces were footed, and may be slightly taller than the 4¾” height.  (The footed 8″ Deep Nappy is shown in this post.)  Sizes are always approximate, and both of mine (footed and unfooted) are about the same size – with only a ⅛” height difference between them.

As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay.  The following link shows available Deep Nappies on eBay.

Regular Nappy Dishes

Fostoria Glass made a large variety of Nappy dishes in the American pattern.  They made flared, deep, shallow, handled, and regular nappies; hence, they offered a wide assortment to choose from.  In this post, our focus is just on the documented  “Regular Nappy” dishes produced in clear crystal.  There are a total of five different pieces, ranging from 4½” to 8″ in diameter.

The regular nappies were some of the most popular pieces in the 2056 line, and each of them enjoyed a very long life.  In fact, all of them were born in 1915 and endured until the 1980’s.  The two that lived the longest were the 5″ and the 8″ Regular Nappies – being produced from 1915-1985.  That is a remarkable run, much longer than most of the other 2056 treasures.  The bowls are versatile, even today, which makes them a popular choice in any American collection.

The reason these pieces are classified as “regular” nappies is because they don’t possess any other special design traits – such as being flared, having a handle, or the bowl being shallow or deep in depth or height.  They are just regular bowls, without any bells or whistles.  The smallest regular nappy has a height of about 1¾ inches, with the biggest regular nappy having a height of approximately 3⅝ inches.

As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay.  The following link shows available Regular Nappies on eBay.

Handled Nappy – Regular

Item Number:  499
Diameter:  4½”
Production Dates:  1915-1982

Fostoria Glass made a large variety of Nappy dishes in their American pattern.  This is considered a “regular” Nappy (with a simple round shape).  It showcases a beautiful handle and has a height of approximately 2 inches.  The Regular Handled Nappy was one of the pioneering pieces in the American 2056 line, and it enjoyed a long and happy life.

Nappies are often defined as little bowls; however, Fostoria Glass produced both small and large nappy dishes.  In the early years, most of their bowls (even the large 10″ size) was described as a “Nappy”.  The American lineup of nappies includes those with or without handles, squared, flared, and there’s even a three-cornered design.  With so many options available, finding one to suit your needs should prove to be quite easy.

As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase on eBay.  The following link shows available Handled Nappy Dishes on eBay.